About the Online RSA Encryption/Decryption Tool
The online RSA encryption/decryption tool supports encryption and decryption operations, as well as the generation and verification of digital signatures. This makes it a valuable asset in ensuring secure data transmission, providing data integrity, and origin verification.
• RSA Principles
RSA encryption is an asymmetric encryption technology, invented in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. It enables encryption with a public key and decryption with a private key, and vice versa, offering robust support for information security.
• Features
High Security: With public key encryption and private key decryption, along with private key signing and public key signature verification, RSA provides high levels of security.
Flexibility and Broad Applicability: RSA technology supports various key lengths, suitable for different security levels and a wide range of applications.
Integrity Verification: Digital signatures ensure that data has not been tampered with during transmission, increasing transaction trustworthiness.
• Use Cases
Data Exchange: In scenarios that require secure data exchange, RSA encryption and digital signatures offer double security.
Legitimacy and Integrity Confirmation: In legal and contract enforcement areas, digital signatures provide proof of document authenticity and untampered status.
Enterprise and Government Communication: RSA technology is commonly used in sensitive communications between businesses and governments, ensuring the security and legal origin of information.