SHA3-256 Hash(Lowercase)
SHA3-256 Hash(Uppercase)
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Important Notes

File size can affect the speed of hash value calculation. Please be patient.

About the SHA3-256 File Hash Checksum

The SHA3-256 File hash checksum utilizes the latest hash algorithm to quickly generate SHA3-256 hash values for files, ensuring efficient and precise hash generation for file protection against tampering. Note: SHA-3 (Secure Hash Algorithm 3) is the latest secure hash algorithm released by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). SHA-3 is not designed to replace SHA-2, which is still considered secure. Instead, SHA-3 provides a cryptographic hash algorithm alternative in case issues arise with SHA-2. Based on the Keccak algorithm, SHA-3 was developed by Belgian cryptographers Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen, Michaël Peeters, and Gilles Van Assche.

• Features

Security: SHA3-256 is designed to resist various cryptographic attacks, including those from quantum computers, ensuring high security. Collision Resistance: It is highly unlikely (almost impossible) to find two different files that produce the same hash value after being processed through SHA3-256. Efficiency: SHA3-256 can process large amounts of data quickly on modern computer hardware. Versatility: SHA-3 offers various hash lengths (like SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, and SHA3-512) to cater to different security needs.

• Use Cases

Digital Signatures: SHA3-256 can be combined with Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for data signing to assure data origin and integrity. Data Integrity Verification: In scenarios such as software downloads, updates, and data transfers, SHA3-256 hash values are used to check if files have been tampered with during transmission. Cryptographic Applications: SHA3-256 is often used to generate encryption keys and random numbers in the construction of cryptographic protocols and systems. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: Many blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency projects use the SHA-3 algorithm series (including SHA3-256) to ensure the immutability and security of transactions.